Are you a loyalty member of Panda Slippers? Well, we have some exciting news for you! For a limited time only, Panda Slippers is offering an exclusive VIP offer of 15% off storewide for our online Loyalty Members.
This special offer will only last for 3 days and is reserved for our online Loyalty Members only. That means if you're not already a member, now is the perfect time to sign up and take advantage of this amazing deal!
The storewide offer includes new styles and full price items, giving you the chance to score some of our popular products at a discounted price. This offer is our way of saying thank you to our loyal customers and providing additional value to our most dedicated fans.
To redeem this exclusive discount, Loyalty Members can simply check their email for the discount code. But remember, this offer is only valid for a very short time, so act quickly to take advantage of the savings!
And just in case you were wondering, Panda Slippers don't actually resemble pandas. Our slippers are cozy, comfortable, and perfect for lounging around the house in style.
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to save on your favourite Panda Slippers products. Sign up to become a Loyalty Member today and start shopping with 15% off storewide!